Author Archives: Simon Fraser

Human Procreation

After the first successful creation of a human clone that wasn’t evil, Barry Paxfeld, in 2249 (Gregorian calendar), eugenics-based systems quickly became the primary form of all plant and animal species production on the Earth.

While the widespread use of eugenic engineering and cloning systems has led to an increase in the dynamism of the species, natural procreation continues to provide a minute segment of the human population. Even if an unwanted characteristic is borne in such an offspring, bionic and biochemical engineering can correct any errors postnatal.

Such successful commercial eugenics providers as Unfubar Internazionale and GenetiTrends, LLC, have breathed fresh life into the long diminished capacity of human physiology.

Holiday Eve

Holiday Eve has its origins in ancient human tradition.

During the Neolithic age, humans were at a confounded stage of their mental development. Not knowing how to explain why some days are shorter than others, they celebrated their ignorance with chaotic festivals that lasted many days and included virginal sacrifices. These festivals were intended to both satiate their gods and let off a little steam.

As religious beliefs shifted from pantheistic to monotheistic, these yuletide festivals also developed into such sectarian occasions as Hanukkah, Christmas, Ramadan and Kwanzaa.

It was not until 2260 (Robot time) that all celebrations on or around the winter solstice were conglomerated into one single celebration called Holiday Eve. The negative effects of this change were minimal since Family Day and the Human Shopping Cycle had already been instituted.

Holiday Eve is celebrated every cycle at 00-00-80-50-20 and by law cannot last longer than 20 decicycles. Any persons celebrating longer than the maximum length of the celebration shall be subject to persecution.


Emoticonvention refers to the system of treatment created by the psychiatric robot Pinel-5 in 2410. It was fully endorsed by the Council for a New Tomorrow and put into practice approximately 8 nanoseconds after it had been conceived.

After studying all previous forms of psychoanalysis and the physiological construction of the human body, Pinel-5 deduced that the human mind and its emotional representations were far too simple to be given the amount of care and nurturing as had been applied in the previous 700 years.

Within the Emoticonvention system, the human state of being is divided into three parts: happy, sad and neutral. While neutral is the preferable state, it is sometimes necessary for emoticon advisors to push a subject into happiness or sadness in order to eventually reach a neutral state. This can be accomplished by pharmacological means or an imposed set of circumstances.

The emoticon advisor is not only responsible for the treatment of their subjects but also a cyclical emotional analysis represented by one of the following symbols:


