Tag Archives: India

Keeping Mumbai

140 dead so far in terror attacks in Mumbai… I’m listening to BBC news. And a reporter on the ground in Mumbai quoted some lady as saying, “Only God can help our country now.”

So I’ve got 2 problems with that.

First – I’ve heard this sort of blurt of trauma before, over and over again, every time one of these conflagrations occur. And you know what? Maybe not only God can help your country. Maybe you can help your country. Maybe you can help the entire world. Maybe you can be the change you want in the world. Does that sound familiar to you? Click here if it doesn’t.

Second – the BBC reporter who allowed this shocked woman’s fear-mongering statement to perpetuate needs to have her ass fired. This is the sort of theological shirking of societal responsibility that allows criminals to go in and murder 140 people (thus far).

I’d like you to consider the possibility that there are no “instruments of God”. I’d like you to consider the possibility that whatever deity you follow does not “control” you. Perhaps whatever omnipotence in which you believe is just that – omnipotent. If it needs to control you or use you as an instrument, that doesn’t really sound very omnipotent. Actually sounds kinda desperate.

Omnipotence don’t need no cutlery.